Get Involved & serve others!
There are many ways at New Joy Church to meet new people, grow friendships, and serve others in our community.
Click to check out the following opportunities:
Family Ministry
We desire to partner with families in order to reach, and teach, kids for Christ. Our purpose is to model Jesus, and create a place for kids to meet and know Him.
From our Sunday School curriculum to the Kid’s Adventure Bibles, we want to make God’s Word practical and accessible to every kid! We would love to have your family join us for our Sunday School hour, at 9:00am where there is a class for children of all ages. Currently we are offering classes during our 10:30am worship service for children 0-35 months during the entire service, and for children ages 3-6 after musical worship.
We also have other events during the week that are geared towards engaging children and their families, throughout the year. Those events include things like Vacation Bible School, Kids Bible Club and occasional Family Nights at the church!
Pa State Criminal Record Check
FBI Fingerprinting - Code: 1KG6ZJ
Adult Ministry
Sundays @ 9:00am
Missions Focus (Combined classes): Mike Stull - Rm 7 (Jan 5 & 12)
Life Guide Bible Study "Acts": Leon Fox & Myrna Eberly - Rm 12
John MacArthur's "Revelation": Jim Stauffer - Rm 16
Resuming January 19
Sermon-Based Discussion: Nevin Haller - Rm 2
TBD: Janelle Nolt - Rm 7
Sundays @ 6:00pm
TBD: Travis & Jolyn Wolf - 2nd & 4th Sunday
at Wolf residence
Men & Women's Bible Study
2nd & 4th Wednesdays of the month
January 8 & 22
​Women (9:45am) "Women of the N.T.": Myrna Eberly - Rm2
Women (6:45pm) Fellowship & Prayer: Mandi Houston - Rm 2
Men (6:45pm) Men's Bible Study: Dave Miller - Rm 16
(Men - DVD Study: "Making Room for Neighbors")
For more information about small groups,
contact Nevin Haller or the church office at 717-733-2864.
Care Team
New Joy’s Care Team is available to provide support, encouragement, and prayer for you during challenging and life-changing times. The Care Team responds to the congregation and community’s needs in the following ways:
Providing meals
Lovingly handmade afghans and cards
Flowers for mourning families (immediate family)
Friendly visits
Helpful transportation
Moving assistance
Prayer from those on the prayer chain
The Compassion Support Fund
The Care Team also manages the Compassion Support Fund, which provides assistance to those in the community who are in financial need. Compassion Support is funded through donations and fundraisers.
Care Team Help
If you or someone you know could use assistance from The Care Team, please contact the church office at (717) 733-2864 Or
Care Team Volunteers
If you would like to volunteer with The Care Team, please contact the church office at (717) 733-2864.
Worship Ministry
The Worship ministry is a place where people bring their music, drama, and all forms of art to God and the community of faith. As God gives talents, we seek to use them for praise and adoration to Christ our Lord!
The New Joy Worship Team desires to use all areas of the arts, including music, drama, video and dance to present special experiences on a regular basis.
Join the Worship Team
If you have gifts that you would like to bring to the Worship Team, contact the church office at
(717) 733-2864.
Prayer Team
The Prayer Team meets twice each month on the first Wednesday at 6:45pm and the third Wednesday at 3:00pm to lift up New Joy Church and our community in prayer. In addition, every Sunday morning prior to each service, members of the Prayer Team meet for a time of prayer.
Join the Prayer Team
If you would like to be a part of this intercessory Prayer Team, please contact Pastor Dave Miller at (717) 733-2864.
Youth Group
Wednesday night youth group is a relaxed environment where students grades 6th - 12th can feel comfortable to come as they are. This is a low-pressure time of fellowship, games, and learning that meets every Wednesday evening in the Youth Rooms (13 & 14). Join us from 6:30-8:00pm during the school year. See our church calendar for special meeting times and events during the summer months or holidays.
Our hope as a ministry is to:
Gather -provide an environment that students enjoy coming to, and are comfortable asking others to join them in.
Know -develop Christ centered relationships between students and leaders that encourage sharing life’s struggles and celebrating victories together.
Grow -provide a time of Biblical study, sharing, and prayer, in order to foster and grow relationships with Christ; both as a group and as individuals.
Go -encourage students to take the lessons and tools that God has given them, to go out into the world and change lives for Christ.